
Showing posts from 2018

The Interview UKM : Futsal Zamzam Stadium

This video is an interview for entrepreneur futsal courts named zamzam futsal Stadium in banjaran pucung-Cilangkap-Tapos-Depok. This video we recorded upon agreement with the owner of the futsal Field to fulfill the duties of the subjects was. enjoyyy ....

Commercial Business Property

P opulation growth especially in indonesia has increased every year and everyone needs a place to live. Therefore, I would like to open a business by making a rented home. And of course in business planning, business conducted with detailed planning. Planning any created must be able to answer the question 5W + 1 h, questions such as planning is as follows: What : What kind of business should start? My business will do business on property. In this business I will rent a house for the public who needs a place to stay. Why : Why choose to run this business? Because I think this business is very easy to run, but it will require a lot of capital. Where : Where is this business run? My mother has a lot of land in her hometown that can be used for this business. Who : Who is entitled to rent a lease? Anyone can rent a lease. However, it is reserved for people who have money to pay for the signed rent. When : When did you start this business? Fo


Business planning is a written discussion outlining the things that underpin the consideration of the establishment of a business or undertaking. Planning is also a description of the business activities that are arranged in a logical, systematic, measurable, and achievable. Business activities are also carried out, organized, monitored or supervised, done the repair as necessary in order not to deviate from the planned. And certainly in planning a business, make sure the sheer effort that is done with a detailed planning. Planning is made whatsoever should be able to answer the question of 5W + 1 h, the question of such planning are as follows: What: What kind of business to be run? The business I'm going to run the business is in the field of computer education. Where in this business I will teach the public about the hardware or software. Why: Why choose run this business? Because I want to practise my science gained in learning, and would like to invite

Audit TSI pada Lingkungan Workgroup/Enterprise Information System

PERENCANAAN  AUDIT TSI Workgroup/Enterprise Information System DISUSUN OLEH      : A. Miptahudin                       : 10114004 FAKULTAS ILMU KOMPUTER & TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA DEPOK 2018 PEMBAHASAN 1.        Pelaksanaan Audit TSI pada Lingkungan Workgroup/Enterprise Information System Workgroup Information Systems ialah suatu bentuk sistem yang dalam menjalankan fungsinya terdiri dari beberapa orang yaitu berupa sekelompok tim kecil yang saling berkolaborasi dalam proyek atau aplikasi yang sama, memiliki aturan yang mengatur fungsi grup dan anggotanya serta standarisasi peran untuk setiap anggota dalam organisasi tersebut, Workgroup Information Systems dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dari sebuah kelompok kerja. Sistem ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dari suatu kelompok kerja. Dalam divisi sumber daya manusia, terdapat beberapa workgroup yang bertugas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan produkti

Audit TSI pada Lingkungan Personal Information System

AUDIT TEKNOLOGI SISTEM INFORMASI  (SOFTSKILL) PERSONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM 4KA09 Disusun Oleh :   A. Miptahudin                       : 10114004                                       Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Universitas Gunadarma 2017 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1            Latar Belakang Keberadaan tenaga kerja sebagai salah satu faktor produksi sangat penting artinya bagi organisasi. Dalam perkembangannya, organisasi akan menghadapi permasalahan tenaga kerja yang semakin kompleks, dengan demikian pengelolaan sumber daya manusia harus dilakukan secara profesional oleh departemen tersendiri dalam suatu organisasi, yaitu Human Resource Departemen (Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Manajemen Personalia adalah manajemen yang mengkhususkan diri dalam bidang personalia atau dalam kepegawaiaan. Manajemen personalia adalah suatu ilmu dan seni untuk melaksanakan antara lain pla